Current research
Chemical Physics | Surface Chemistry | Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
The Laboratory is one of the very few multi-disciplinary laboratories that engage in basic sciences targeting strategic emerging applications in Canada. Its mission is to develop fundamental understanding of radiation-matter and matter-matter interactions for R&D of new materials and nanoscale devices. Recent applications include molecular traps, bio/chemical sensing, field emission, solar cells, hydrogen generation by water splitting, and nanodevices. The Laboratory is fully equipped with multiple custom-built and numerous state-of-the-art commercial instrument systems for fundamental chemical physics, surface science and materials research studies, with the goal of providing new advances in chemical sensors and medical monitors, targeted drug delivery, green energy (both storage and generation), water/environment remediation, and ultrafast nanoelectronics.
Waterloo Advanced Technology Laboratory

The Laboratory also houses the premier materials research centre WATLab (Waterloo Advanced Technology Laboratory) in southern Ontario, equipped with a complete fleet of state-of-the-art surface and nanomaterials research tools in
- Microscopy (HR-XRD, Powder XRD, SAXS, TEM, FIB-SEM, Helium Ion Microscopy, SEM, Environmental SEM, EDX, OIM, AFM, VT-SPM, Light Microscopy & Correlative Microscopy);
- Spectromicroscopy (Imaging ESCA, Scanning Auger Microprobe, XPS/UPS, SIMS, Optical Spectro/microscopy Fleet);
- Synthesis & Fabrication (ECD, CVD, PVD, Nanogen, PLD, MBE, RIE, PECVD);
- Nanomaching & Lithography (Maskless OL, EBL, IBL, Nanoman, NPVE); and
- Rapid Prototyping (for bottom-up device manufacturing) for conducting exploratory studies in all emerging areas of nanotechnology and nanoscience.
What's New
Group meeting
Schedule TBA